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Strategic Product Development & Innovation

The method developed by Giesen.Design is particularly successful. Strategic Product Development & Innovation (SPDI), as we call it, results in unique products for you. Products that actually contribute to the strategic objectives of your organization.


Of course the basis is your product. But, we know as no other that new products (and therefore also product development & innovation) never stand alone. SPDI ensures that your new product is always placed in the right context to ensure it optimally suits your customers needs and your organization characteristics. It is precisely this that makes our approach unique and so successful.

Giesen.Design has the knowledge that is needed to make
product development and design to make it successful.
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The knowledge and experience within Giesen.Design enable us to tackle complete projects. We can help you with product development & design from initiation to implementation.


At the same time, we know that the knowledge within your organization is indispensable. We use your knowledge extensively to work together towards the best solution.


Giesen.Design is all about making product development & design successful.

Success is embodied in our working method with SPDI , but also in our thinking and acting. Our vision and mission clearly highlight this.

And, we are proud to propagate this.


Your success is our success!

project definition

… Why do we need to develop a new product? How are we going to do this? What are we going to solve? What problems do we encounter here? What makes the product unique? How does it suit our customers? How do we ensure optimal fit with your organization? How do we ensure that the product can be made within your budget? How do we create value? What is the Return On Investment?

Through a whole set of targeted questions and information gathering, we put together a list of specifications that include all the aspects that will make the project a success for you ...

design detailing & engineering

… Now that a concept has been chosen, it must be developed into an optimal product. Not only in terms of product properties and quality, but also in terms of manufacturability. Details are filled in and we ensure that the product meets all requirements. Of course we have to make sure that the product can be made at an optimal price and investments have to be in line with the plans. Return on Investment is essential. In short, together with you, we aim for total success ...


… Your new product can be manufactured and delivered. It meets all the conditions set. Time to roll out the marketing plans and proceed to sales. Time to make your new product a great success! ...

conceptual design

… Once the specifications are clearly defined, the creative process is started. All data is translated into ideas and possibilities, which we take step by step into a concept. Here the ideas become tangible.

We explore all kinds of solution directions in order to get maximum results from this creative phase. Together with you, we analyze the solutions step by step to reach the optimal concept that will make you genuinely enthusiastic and know: This is what we need! ...

production preparation

… Whether you are going to organize the production of the new product within your organization or outside it, it must be well prepared. The means of production must make it possible to produce the optimal product at the right cost and effort. The design of the production process is therefore also an indispensable link to make your new product successful! ...



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